The provostry at Mariánská Týnice
The church in Mariánská Týnice was confirmed as property of the Plasy Monastery in 1250. Gradually, it was reconstructed, expanded, and a cloister and provostry were added. The end result was what would become a significant pilgrimage sight. Starting in the late 1990s, extensive generalized renovation efforts were taken to restore the building’s initial appearance. To do so, the original plans of the momentous architect Jan Blažej Santini were followed.
Jan Blažej Santini
This pilgrimage sight first began to develop and then flourish with Baroque style during the second half of the 17th century, when abbot Ondřej Trojer had the Mariánská Týnice church renovated and improved. He also had the cloister courtyard and bell tower connected to the church and founded the Mariánská Týnice provostry. Trojer’s successor, abbot Evžen Tyttl, was a connoisseur and supporter of the arts. He was also one of the most munificent architects of the Baroque-Bohemian style. He managed to attain Jan Blažej Santini, the genius of peak Central European Baroque, into his services. A series of wonderful structures that contribute to the cultural significance of the region were built on the monastery’s estate according to Santini’s design. Santini also designed a new plan for the entire pilgrimage sight and provostry in Mariánská Týnice. His idea was based on a spatially and volumetrically unique, yet particularly complicated, elaborate composition.
Museum and Gallery of the Northern Pilsen Region in Mariánská Týnice
Currently, the Museum and Gallery of the Northern Pilsen Region is located inside the Baroque church and area of the former provostry. This permanent exposition includes archaeological relics, a collection of Gothic and Baroque art pieces, guild relics, an exhibit on both the rural and urban way of life of the 19th century and a 20th-century semi-urban kitchen. Other interesting items include the expansive collection of cast iron works from the 19th century, with both everyday tools and artisan pieces being featured.