Interesting things to see here
The collection of vehicles here is vast. Some of the museum’s most interesting pieces include the TU-154M government plane that presidents Václav Havel and Václav Klaus flew in. You’ll also find fighter planes here, including the famous MIG15 and MIG21. Then there are the military helicopters and the original tank from WWII. Inside the largest plane, the four-engined IL-18, you’ll find model airplanes and boats on display. You can freely look around inside some of the aircraft and vehicles, while others are only viewable with a guide and a limited amount of visitors.
The museum in two parts
The museum is divided into two parts. The basic zone is suitable for all visitors. You’ll get to see 32 aircraft and 20 other military vehicles. There are seven freely accessible display pieces here.
The second special zone is only accessible with a guide. This area is better suited to experts and true enthusiasts of military vehicles. Commentated tours are held in groups of up to 4 people after paying a separate admission fee.